
I remember thinking again, “what exactly is home?”. Is it my family and house back in Mills River? Is it the place my friends are? Is it simply a country and a language and a people that I’m familiar with?

Justified and Guiltless

I have recently been reading a book titled “Blue Like Jazz” by Donald Miller. A few close friends of mine have been telling me that it’s a “must read”, and since I’ve started to feel guilty about my lack of reading this semester, I decided to give it a try. So far the book has... Continue Reading →

By A Thread

Anxiety: (n.) a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. Anxiety has never been what I would call a theme in my life. Those of you who know me would probably label me as a pretty easy-going person. I have never really been one to... Continue Reading →

City Project Update #6

Hello again, Wow. I absolutely cannot believe that this will be my last blog post as a City Project participant. It really does seem like just yesterday that I was moving storage containers full of clothes into a 3 bedroom apartment along with five guys that I had never met before, and now I sit... Continue Reading →

City Project Update #5

Hello again! Thank you all for your patience as I have tried to post updates as often as possible, but haven’t posted nearly as often as I would have liked. I am currently writing this post from the middle seat of row 37 of a small jet plane that is making it’s way back to... Continue Reading →

City Project Update #3

Hello again! I wanted to take this chance to update you guys again on what God has been doing in my life as I continue through City Project! This weekend marks the “half-way” point of my time here in Durham, and really the halfway point of the entire summer. So far, it has consisted of... Continue Reading →

City Project Update #2

Hey guys! I'll go ahead and start this post by apologizing for not getting this posted quicker. Since returning from New York, we have hit the ground running and I am just now finding the time to get this posted! I will also apologize for the fact that this post is so long, but I... Continue Reading →

City Project Update #1

Wow. What an eventful few weeks- well, more like months, it has been! From the end of my first full year of classes as a college student, to packing up most of what I own to take it to Raleigh for the summer, it has definitely been an adventure. As I begin to prepare myself... Continue Reading →

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