About Devon

Devon was raised in Mills River, NC. He graduated from high school in 2015, and since then he hasn’t spent more than a year in a single place. He went to Western Carolina University, moved to Serbia for 6 months, and then transferred to NC State. Through it all he has met some incredible people, but he is thankful to settle in to Raleigh- at least until he finishes school.

Devon is currently a junior at NC State University. He studies Communication Media with minors in Journalism and Art Studies. He loves media production and writing, and hopes to continue to develop these skills and find ways to use them in his work.

During his time living in the Triangle, Devon attends the Summit Church. He is involved with the Blue Ridge campus of Summit, and is an active student in Summit College (the on campus ministry of Summit at NC State). After graduation, he plans to go into full-time ministry either on the college campus, or internationally.



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